Roaring out of the 1930’s comes the greatest heroes to ever fly WWI Europe’s unfriendly skies!
Straight from the tattered pages of Popular Publication’s air war pulps, Age of Aces Books is proud to be able to bring you the best of these heroes. Don’t spend all that time and money tracking down dozens of the crumbling original magazines looking for your favorite aviator. Age of Aces has done that for you. Each of our books contain stories featuring a single exciting character or written by one of your favorite authors. We are also doing some books that are not air war but still have a connection to that era and those magazines. All Age of Aces books are 6 X 9 trade paperback editions, and are available from
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“Through Enemy Jaws” by Ralph Oppenheim
Into that maelstrom of screaming lead and crashing shells went the Three Mosquitoes, the dare-devils whom nothing could stop. Into that nest of spies and intrigue they dove, on the most treacherous mission they had ever had. Would the demonic, mysterious enemy seaplane gain through? The lives of millions hung breathlessly in the balance!
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Oppenheim’s Detectives: Dave Rogers, State Trooper!
Dave Rogers, State Trooper, Battles Frozen Death in His Fight to Smash a Band of Murdering Counterfeiters!
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“The Sky’s The Limit” by Ralph Oppenheim
They were known as the “Three Mosquitoes” Kirby, Carn, and Travis—and they were famous all over the Western Front as the most daring three-plane combination that ever flew over the Boche lines and engaged the enemy planes in deadly combat. Kirby, the leader, was after Kellar, the German ace called the “Flying Dutchman”—and here is the story of what happened—one of the most thrilling and exciting flying yarns ever written! Zoom into her, gang!
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Oppenheim’s Detectives: “Honest” Glen Kelsey!
There she stood—that enigmatic murder smile welded on her lips—waiting to clasp her victims in a death embrace. What was this horror-creature who cast her torture shadow over the House of Cranford—whose lightest caress meant bloody mutilation for those she wooed?
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“Up and Out” by Ralph Oppenheim
Breikhart, the greet German Ace, flying his darting little red Fokker, was bringing down captive balloons with devilish frequency. Again he outwitted Kirby—and now Kirby was in a savage, reckless mood!
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Humpy & Tex in “Jawbone of an Ace” by Allan R. Bosworth
Humpy And Tex, Flying Fish Of The Azores, In A Mad Scramble From Ocean Floor To Sky-Top For Cognac And Krauts!
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“The Giant Killer” by Colcord Heurlin
THIS week we present a cover by Colcord Heurlin! Heurlin worked in the pulps primarily over a ten year period from 1923 to 1933. His work appeared on Adventure, Aces, Complete Stories, Everybody’s Combined with Romance, North-West Stories, The Popular, Short Stories, Flying Aces, Sea Stories, Top-Notch, War Stories, Western Story, and here, the cover [...]
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Nick Royce in “Winner Take All” by Frederick C. Davis
Two flyers of the newsreel wage an air-feud in the clouds, and over the flame-belching tanks of the oil fields Nick Royce, sky-eater, plays his ace-in-the-hole.
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“Sky Writers, July 1936″ by Terry Gilkison
Test your war-air knowledge and try your hand at this month’s quiz!
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“Flaming Destiny of the Sky Damned!” by Anthony Field
Once again the hell-diving Black Sheep Squadron rears through screaming, shell-torn war skies! Some member of that infamous Black Sheep Squadron was a spy who had sold their honor to hell—so theirs was a double mission of hate as they roared through flaming skies in a mad attempt to save the Allied High Command from raw annihilation!
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