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The War Birds Club: Lady Birds

Link - Posted by David on August 30, 2024 @ 6:00 am in

ALTHOUGH you’d think a pulp magazine publishing stories about the exploits of aviators in the Great War was tailor made to capture the imagination of boys everywhere, it also garnered female readers. Some so ardent they wanted to become commissioned officers in the War Birds Club. Allowing girls to join the War Birds club was even brought up by the C.O. (Feb 34).

Feb 34. But we have to salute the ladies. There is one of them in our midst. Delores Bosanko, of 3286 Stuart Street, Denver, Colorado, has applied for membership; has voted in favor of admitting the Germans and is anxious to do a little writing to members. What do you think of this? Can the ladies belong, or shall we be a stag organization? There was a women’s auxiliary to the Royal Air Force during the war, you know, and many women’s organizations backing up the lads in ’18 right here in the U.S.A. Up at H.Q., we don’t know. What do you say?

But there never seemed to be quite the debate over it like there was for allowing German readers to form their own club (Feb 34). After all, there were “many women’s organizations backing up the lads in ’18 right here in the U.S.A. Up at H.Q.” But it did take a couple months before they agreed to let them in.

April 34. DELORES BOSANKO really started WORDS A-WING with her suggestion, so we can hardly leave her out, can we? But we’re puzzled about Delores. It seems that the opinion of the membership is “No Lady War Birds.” Well, she gets her listing here anyway, by special dispensation. She wants mail.

May 34. MARY A. GRAEF, 1728 North 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.—A very interesting suggestion that, in the event that girls are barred from the WAR BIRDS, some provision be made for a girls’ squadron or a girls’ auxiliary so that air minded girls can have some rallying point. Miss Graef has Written to Miss Bosanko, of Denver, who started a debate in our organization some months back, and Miss Bosanko agrees with her enthusiastically. (Now there’s a proposition put squarely up to you WAR BIRDS. Do the girls come in and belong to the squadrons we already have—or shall we create a special squadron and give it to them—or shall we bar them entirely? There have been a number of letters written in, but not nearly as many as on the subject of admitting German members. So far, the voting is very close with maybe a slight edge in favor of refusing membership to girls and making the organization stag. Miss Graef has made a fair proposition. What say?)

The matter was resolved by the June issue.

You have been a little careful in your voting on the admission of the ladies. Most of you have evaded the issue entirely and the rest of you are about evenly divided; the slight shade being in favor of admitting the girls in a special squadron if they can qualify. So be it. Girls will be Lady Birds and their squadron numeral—no matter where they live—is “80.” (The Adjutant says that he will take a limited number of lady non-coms, too, and try them out. But he isn’t promising anything unless they behave themselves.) Well, that’s settled.

It was also in the June issue that Dorothy L. Kohn was listed in the WORDS A-WING column.

DOROTHY L. KOHN, 1546 W. 12th St., Davenport, lA., wants to hear from other Lady Birds and says, “Happy landings to the whole outfit. We’ll show those ‘peelots.’ Suppose there were another Anne Lindbergh or Amelia Earheart among us! Would your faces be red?”

Dorothy would go on to be quite active in the club pages. In December 34 she was awarded both a citation for her letter in perfect military form containing six suggestions and a proposed new membership card; and a promotion to 1st Lieutenant (effective October 1st 1934). She garnered additional citation the following year. In January for a very interesting report on the first Mississippi commercial seaplane; February for submitting suggestions and reports in military fashion and, particularly, for an excellent report on her local airport; and in the final month, June, for exceptional service. Dorothy was listed as being a member of Iowa’s 39 Squadron in all her citations rather than the Lady Bird’s 80 Squadron.

Dorothy was go getter outside the club as well and was frequently mentioned in the local Quad City Times. Born July 24th, 1916, she graduated from Davenport High School in 1933 from what was called the “Commercial Course.” She worked as a stenographer her entire career and was employed by the City of Davenport Public Works Department from 1941-1960; secretary to Mayer John H. Jebsen from 1966-1971; administrative assistant to general managers Ken Blackman and Harry Pells at John O’Donnell Stadium during baseball seasons from 1962-1964 and 1976-1978.

She was member of CASI, Putnam Museum, Plus 60, and lifetime member of Newcomb Presbyterian Church and Crown and Anchor Society.

Somehow she found time to indulge in her many hobbies that include traveling, cruising, compiling scrapbooks, correspondence with numerous pen pals, and above all, a lifetime interest in local baseball—where she attended virtually every game at Municipal Stadium, now John O’Donnell Stadium, since it’s opening in 1931 when she was 15 until her death in 2008.

In 1945, the Quad City Times ran an article about Dorothy’s passion for collecting service man’s patches.

COLLECTS SERVICE SHOULDER PATCHESMiss Dorothy L. Kohn, 1546 West Twelfth Street, a stenographer in the department of public construction in the city hall, is shown here with part of a collection of nearly 100 shoulder patches designating member of various units in the armed forces. The collection, started about three years ago, is made up of patches received from friends and acquaintances and none of the patches was obtained thru commercial channels. (November 4, 1945)

Dorothy received shoulder patches from friends in many foreign countries and continues to add to her colorful collection of emblems of fighting units which took part in engagements in the Pacific area as well as in Europe. At the time of the article, Dorothy hoped to add a number of English army medallions to her collection form a young Englishman she had been corresponding with since 1934! At present he was doing guard duty in Germany at a camp where Nazi SS units were being held prisoners.

Somehow during all her secretarial work, collecting, traveling, corresponding, scrapbooking and baseball games are found time to get married in 1954 to Frank Wulf who had served with the Navy in WWII. Frank shared many of Dorothy’s passions including traveling and going on cruises. They would often bring back mementos and souvenirs, which if not put in a scrapbook would find their way on to their Christmas “travel tree” as ornaments.

In March 1970, the Quad City Times featured an interview with Dorothy in the second of a series of article on secretaries who have worked for the mayor. In the article she describes her general daily routine and duties working for the mayor. She also talked about her other love—travel. She said she’d been everywhere in the United States and Hawaii twice, even bought an acre there dreaming of living there one day. But it was their upcoming trip that was to be the fulfillment of their travel dreams.

The Wulfs were planing trip to London that summer during which time Dorothy would finally meet a pen pal she had been corresponding with since 1934—and still exchanged letters with about four times a year!

“He’s a postal worker there, and we wrote to each other all through the war. We sent him packages when things were bad over there. I can’t believe that maybe now we’ll be able to meet for the first time.”

He was also a War Bird!

Pair of Pen Pals Are Now Pals In Person

by Elsie Ryan • Quad City Times, November 14 1971)

FOR 37 YEARS Ernest Benns has had “another woman” in his life. Recently, he finally introduced her to his wife.

But his wife, Rosina, very attractive, blonde and vivacious, wasn’t the least bit jealous. For the “other woman” was an American pen pal, and Rosma’s husband had never met her either except through thousands of letters.

Benns, of Boundary-road, East Ham, England, began to write to Miss Dorothy L. Kohn of Davenport, after he saw a notice back in 1935 in one of those 10-cent magazines, called “War Birds,” asking for English pen pals. Both were interested in aviation at the time.

AS THE YEARS passed, each got married, but they continued to write. “Everything I ever mailed or sent to him arrived safely.” said Mrs Frank (Dorothy) Wulf, secretary to Mayor John Jebens. “I didn’t realize how bad things were there during the blitz years. I would send items such as a pudding mix, and Ernie later told me they couldn’t use it because it called for their entire ration of eggs (one each per family member) for the week Then. I sent mixes that called for water only.”

The Davenport couple left Davenport last Aug. 18—exactly 37 years after the postmark date of the first letter from Benns—but flew first to Germany to Kaiserslautern, Davenport’s sister city in the people-to-people program.

There, they met the Oberburgemeister (mayor) Dr. Hans Jung. “Mayor Jebens had been there five years ago when they were just starting their new city hall, said Mrs Wulf. “Their city hall is 21 stories high and really modern! As modern as anything in Chicago.

“We also visited Switzerland, then on to England. We landed at Heathrow Airport and I knew my pen pal right off the bat. I just knew it was Ernie!”

English newspapers did a story on the two pen pals, and interviewed Mrs Wulf during her visit there.

BENNS TOLD the British press. “When we started writing, Mrs Wulf and I shared the same sort of hobbies, but since then we have written about every topic under the sun. Even during the war we still managed to write. Dorothy would send her letters to Rosina who would forward them to me, in the service.”

Mrs Wulf is almost part of the family, for she is godmother, by proxy, to the English couple’s son, Roger, now 25-years-old. “I don’t know what kind of difficulties I expected.” Mrs Wulf told friends after her trip, “but we didn’t have any. No trouble at all. We left two days after Nixon floated the dollar, but no one refused our money.”

What did they enjoy most. “All kinds of things,” Mrs. Wulf enthused “We saw Winchester Cathedral, the Kew gardens which are fantastic So many roses! Every kind. And dahlias everywhere. Even the smallest yard has flowers All the colors are so intense.

“Possibly it’s due to the moisture, or the temperature. They think they’re having a heat wave at 75 degrees. We enjoyed the countryside, it’s so totally different. At Newforest, which is like a game preserve, purple heather covers the hills.”

“ANOTHER highlight was seeing the crown jewels! Diamonds, emeralds, rubies, pearls . . . everything They’re on display because they’re part of the English people’s heritage. And you should see and hear the orators on soap boxes in Hyde Park! They talk on everything . . . religion, politics, Communists, and the end of the world . . . to anyone who will listen.”

“They have very few appliances in England, not even toasters. Toast is still made in the oven. The food in both Europe and England is delicious. The bread? Well, there’s nothing like it here. It’s a good thing we walked so much or we’d sure have put on weight!”

“We stopped in Suffolk for tea at a littie place and they served creamed tea and big scones hot out of the oven. Scones are richer than baking powder bisquits, lighter, and you spread them with a whipped cream so thick it is like butler, then cover with home made strawberry jam.”

“When you get up in the morning the hot tea is wailing. They did buy some coffee just for us, though. Breakfast is cheese and lunchmeat, soft boiled eggs, tea rusk and crusty bread.”

In the beginning Mrs Wulf and Benns corresponded about every two weeks, then whenever they got a letter, and now average one or two letters a month.

Dorothy Wulf secretary to Davenport Mayor John Jebens, reads the latest letter from her pen pal. Now, they have plenty to write to each other about. They finally met recently in England (Photo by Harry Boll)

Dorothy retired in 1978. Frank and Dorothy continued to travel and collect things and scrapbook and continue the work she did with the Newcomb Presbyterian Church and, of course, root on the home team at her beloved John O’Donnell Stadium every summer.

Dorothy passed away in 2008 (obit).

The War Birds Club

Link - Posted by David on August 12, 2024 @ 6:00 am in

THE October 1933 issue of WAR BIRDS hit the stands with Belarski’s Eagles of the Black Cross cover and a wealth of stories within lead off by William E. Barrett’s factual article that goes with the cover. There were also stories by Hogan, Myers, MacDowell and Brownestone. And in the back was a new feature for the readers—The Cockpit. This was the place where the WAR BIRDS gang and the editor could get together every month to spin the vocal prop.

The Cockpit brought with it The War Birds Club! Run by “The Adjutant” and overseen by the Editor and C.O. of War Birds, Carson Mowre, The Cockpit became a lively column where readers could voice their opinions, swap and trade stuff, find a like-minded reader to become pen pals with, as well as boast about their squadron’s achievements, see who’s received a promotion or citation and general club banter.

The first column from the October 1933 issue sets up the club, it’s particulars and how to join:

HERE is the most important announcement of the year. Sixteen years ago, the youth of America climbed out of civvies and into khaki. Overnight, we learned to substitute the bugle for the alarm clock. Our ears caught the distant thunder of the guns. We rode to them, we marched to them—and we flew to them.

We have captured much of the wild thrill in the stories that have appeared in WAR BIRDS’ stories written by veterans who lived the epic and who remember. But it isn’t enough.

The readers of WAR BIRDS are of the breed that, in another day, would have ridden flaming skies. Their selection of reading matter demonstrates it. The electric something that called their blood brothers to war calls them to the re-living of it.

And it is to their hands that the torch of ‘17 is flung. To them falls the responsibility of closing up the gaps. That flaming spirit that America took into the skies of ‘17 and ‘18 must not be allowed to die. We won’t let it.

This month a new organization comes into being—an organization with a name that was born of ‘17 and that has been preserved on the masthead of the oldest air-war magazine—WAR BIRDS.

A man must qualify for War Birds. His membership is not a gift. The war bird of yesterday won his wings. It is but fair that the war bird of 1933 do the same.

There were ships and guns that shared the glory of those by-gone years as well as men. A man who has the spirit that made the air service will know about those ships and those guns and those men. In knowing of them and remembering them, he makes them immortal; he preserves the spirit of the thing for which they stood.

No one will wear the War Birds wings or carry the War Birds card who does not know of, and respect, the things that make up the life of a sky warrior. There is an examination to be passed before you qualify—and it is not an easy examination. But, when you have passed it, you will know the glory of really “belonging.” Your wings will not be a mockery—they will stand for something tangible and you will have won the right to wear them.


Memberships in War Birds are neither sold nor given away; they must be earned!

(1) Clip the coupon from this issue and mail it to Wing Commander, War Birds, 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N.Y., properly and completely filled out.

(2) If you want the free booklets described below enclose five cents in coin or stamps to cover postage and handling. You do not have to order these booklets if you do not want them, but they will be helpful in passing the tests.

THE ENVELOPE the booklets and exam questions arrive in with only a 1½¢ stamp on it.

(3) The Adjutant will mail you your examination questions and problems. They will be based on information contained in the previously mentioned booklets and in current issues of WAR BIRDS. Your answers to the questions and the problems should be mailed back promptly to Headquarters.

THE EXAM. Please answer on a separate sheet of paper.

(4) If your grade in the examination is satisfactory, the Wing Commander’s adjutant will mail you a handsome card of membership certifying to the fact that you have qualified for “War Birds” and are entitled to the privileges of membership.

(5) You will be assigned to a squadron and your squadron designation will appear upon your card.

That is all there is to it but we want to emphasize the fact that War Birds is a patriotic organization solely. We have nothing to sell. For all purposes of the organization, the War Birds card is sufficient. It is the member’s identification and obtains for him all of the privileges allowed to members.

As a convenience, however, to those members who would like silver lapel wings we are making arrangements with a manufacturer to supply the War Birds emblem at a nominal price. Future issues of WAR BIRDS will contain further details on such insignia as well as on the various other plans now being formulated.

A membership in War Birds is going to mean something. Get in on the ground floor now and be one of the originals. Mail your application TODAY.


You may have the following booklets free by mailing your request promptly to the Wing Commander, War Birds, 100 Fifth Ave., New York City, N.Y., with five cents to cover postage and packing. (The material in the booklets had previously appeared in the pages of War Birds or War Aces.)

WAR PLANES OF ALL NATIONS—a booklet containing the full dope on 135 war time planes; speed, horse-power, performance. (originally published in the May 1931 War Birds (v14n42))

MORE PLANE FACTS—a war pilot’s frank discussion of little known phases of flying in France. (originally published in the January 1932 War Aces (v8n22))

SYNTHETIC ACES—an expose of the fakers who pose as war flyers with tips on how to unmask them. (originally published in the January 1932 War Aces (v8n22))

ARCHIE—the complete story of anti-aircraft; its successes and its failures, with extracts from anarchy gunner’s dope book. (originally published in the March 1932 War Birds (v18n52))

These booklets will help you to pass your examination for admission to War Birds. Don’t delay in placing your order. Send your request today on the coupon form provided below.

They even laid out future plans for the club:

In the days ahead, qualified War Birds will share in many good things; free copies of genuine war photographs, discounts and special prices on aeronautical equipment, special rates on flying courses and a hundred and one other privileges that will cause the War Birds card to grow in value with the passing months.

There is in prospect at present a FREE distribution to members of:
(1) Genuine war pictures
(2) A special discount price list on planes and equipment
(3) A discount price on flying instruction
(4) Conventions for members
(5) Special services of a research bureau.

a WAR BIRDS CLUB timeline


  • A new “The Cockpit” feature begins. It is the place where the WAR BIRDS gang and the editor get together every month to spin the vocal prop.
  • Run by the “Wing Commander,” the Cockpit announces the Formation of the WAR BIRDS, a club for readers and lays out everything you need to know to apply to join (see above).
  • Also lists future plans for the club: they want to offer members genuine war pictures, a discount price list on planes and equipment as well as a discount on flying instructions, services of a research bureau and conventions for members!


  • The Adjutant says applications are flooding in. News of exciting offers next month.
  • A commissioned member of the WAR BIRDS can win a citation by exceptional service. This includes but is not limited to making a suggestion that will make the magazine more interesting, or a constructive criticism, or an idea for club activity, or a scheme for enrolling more members, or a plan for squadron mates in the same city getting together.
  • Only a few commissions have been earned so far, and some have failed to qualify. They will provide a way for re-examination in the future, but it will be tougher.
  • Every state and the District of Columbia and Canada have been give their own squadron number. These are listed.
  • The four booklets—War Planes of All Nations, Plane Facts, Synthetic Aces, and Archie—are now available for 5¢ in stamps or coins.


  • The Adjutant’s office has been snowed under and he’s been slow in mailing out the commissions.
  • You qualify for the wings you wear and you can neither buy nor finagle them. To get them you must pass rigid tests that will prove or disprove the genuineness of your interest in flying and in the traditions of wartime service.
  • Every qualified member of the WAR BIRDS whose commission is in good standing by midnight of December 20, the C.O. is going to send out a personal Christmas present which may be a package of genuine war photographs: aces, ships, etc., that have never been distributed before.
  • Members are getting together and starting to organize their own flights with names.
  • Additional Squadron numbers for foreign readers are listed: Alasks (51), England (52), Hawaii (53), Irish Free State (54), Mexico (55), Panama Canal Zone (56), Cuba (57), Philippines (58), Belgium (59)
  • In the process of making arrangements with a manufacturer to supply silver wings at a nominal price


  • The Adjutant says that any notice of the change in rank will appear in the Honors List. And suggests you clip it and paste it on the back of your commission card.
  • That’s the key to promotions and honors—service to the rest of the WAR BIRDS.
  • The question of having a German squadron is raised. They have 2 applications. One from Berlin, the other from Hamburg.
  • Australia becomes the 60th squadron. (Squadron numbers for the original 50 squadrons and Mexico (mislabled as 69) are listed.
  • The lapel wings have just been designed—a beautiful set of silver wings. In the center of the wings in blue is “War Birds.” They won’t cost much—less than a quarter.


  • Offices have moved from 100 Fifth Avenue to 149 Madison Avenue.
  • Many inquiries about the wings—all the dope on the next issue.
  • A few of you are asking about the free pictures. They’ll be along. Just watch the sheet.
  • H.Q. will grant a Captain’s commission to the organizer of any club reaching a membership of twenty. The qualifications are: (a) The organizer must be himself a commissioned officer in the WAR BIRDS; (b) He must turn in a list of his members when the membership reaches twenty; (c) All members must be officers in the WAR BIRDS or must have their applications in for commissions; (d) In cases where the member’s town is small, the club will be recognized with less than twenty members. Just convince us that you have done the best possible with the town or the neighborhood that is yours.
  • To every WAR BIRD post so organized, we will give a WAR BIRD Charter to be hung in the club house, plus certain concessions which will enable them to buy club equipment, etc., at cost.
  • News on the various posts being formed: Shelbyville, Indiana. Brooklyn. Long Island Traverse City, Michigan.
  • Germany is established as 70 Squadron. Comments from other stateside WAR BIRDS are noted.
  • Should there be a women’s auxiliary squadron?

MARCH 1934

  • The COCKPIT gets a new header.
  • The WINGS are here! Any commissioned member can have theirs for 15¢.
  • The Adjutant suggests every squadron deign their own insignia if they haven’t already.
  • Members who wish to correspond with one another will be listed in the next issue.
  • Any group commander will rate promotion who can report six commissioned members of WAR BIRDS as assembled in one post provided the post is regularly organized, has a regular meeting schedule, an insignia and a name. His rank for a six to ten member post will be “Captain” provided that he sends in a notice of his election as Post Commander signed by each of the post members. For an eleven to twenty member post, the commander’s rank will be “Major” and he will be entitled to one Captain under his command. Lest this seem to make the higher rank available only to men in the larger towns, we wish to add that a six member post can qualify by special service as an A-l post, giving it the same rank privileges as the larger post.
  • suggestions from members
  • promotions from 2nd Lieutenant 1st listed for 4 officers.

APRIL 1934

  • your WAR BIRDS commission earns you a salute at one of the finest air colleges in this man’s country—THE CASEY JONES SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICS at Newark, N.J. The staff will be glad to answer his questions and take him on a tour of inspection upon presentation of his WAR BIRDS card.
  • Supply of the 4 booklets is nearly exhausted.
  • WORDS A-WING column starts.

MAY 1934

  • THE PITTSBURGH-BUTLER AIRPORT INC., at Butler, Pa. will be glad to extend courtesy of the drome to commissioned officers of WAR BIRDS who present their identification cards. Pittsburgh-Butler operate an A-l flying school at their airport.
  • Likewise for THE RYAN SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICS, LTD., at Lindbergh Field, San Diego, Calif.,
  • The C.O. goes over all the club aspects
  • List of new posts and their organizers.
  • Long list of people for WORDS A-WING
  • Honor citations listed.

JUNE 1934

  • Adjutant says: “Exactly 3,148 lads who have made application for membership, in WAR BIRDS, have not returned their examination papers.”
  • The Adjutant plans to start a NON-COM’S MESS for those air-minded lads they are, who want to get the feel of things before going after commissions.
  • Girls will be Lady Birds and their squadron numeral—no matter where they live—is “80.”
  • Suggestions under consideration by the C.O.: including model plans in the magazine; covers without text all over them.
  • Working on getting various airport to extend courtesies to members; discounts on equipment; and, free pictures which had become harder with the flood of members.
  • a lengthy WORDS A-WING listing
  • Citations and/or Promotions for 19 members.
  • Coupon now included each month for signing up for the NON-COM’S MESS

JULY 1934

  • The C.O. takes over the meetings while the Adjutant handles the NON-COM’S MESS which starts this issue.
  • C.O. asks members to send in a postcard listing their two favorite authors (including ones not in WAR BIRDS) and they will feature the ones who get the votes.
  • NON-COMS can use the Swap and Words A-Wing columns and can offer suggestions. They are also afforded the right to join a Flight, but not organize one.
  • Citations and/or Promotions for 17 members.
  • SWAP COLUMN starts up
  • 10 more people listed in WORDS A-WING


  • C.O. measures readers that all letters are read. But it takes a while. And please print your name.
  • C.O. plans on offering $5 for the best picture of a model plane sent in.
  • FLIGHT PARADE. A listing of flights who have sent in their information. Listing of members and location.
  • Full page on Galveston’s LUCKY SEVEN FLIGHT with member’s picture.
  • Citations and/or Promotions for 10 members.
  • SPARE PARTS HANGER takes the place of the SWAP column.
  • more WORDS A-WING pen pals listed.


  • BETTIS FIELD, located on the McKeesport-Pittsburgh Road, extends an invitation to the War Birds
  • Start of PROP WASH section, a sort of grunt and growl and talk it over department.
  • It’s suggested that every War Bird Flight should have a specific interest in addition to our common interest in aviation. Set a specific time to hold meetings, organize a treasury.
  • General events and course of a meeting are discussed.
  • Citations and/or Promotions for 11 members.
  • The FLIGHT PARADE lists 9 more flights.
  • more WORDS A-WING pen pals listed
  • more items on offer in the SPARE PARTS HANGER.


  • Flight insignias continue to pour in.
  • That offer of Five Dollars for the best photograph of a model plane—either flying or scale model—built by a member is still open. Five dollars every month.
  • Someone suggests there be a special WAR BIRDS code for members to communicate with.
  • Citations and/or Promotions for 18 members and 4 non-commissioned officers
  • The FLIGHT PARADE lists 13 more flights.
  • more WORDS A-WING pen pals listed
  • more items on offer in the SPARE PARTS HANGER.


  • Many members have still not adopted the military form of address yet.
  • The FLIGHT PARADE lists 15 more flights.
  • Citations and/or Promotions for 18 members.
  • Insignias will be printed in next month’s issue.
  • two flights of non-coms have been formed and several non-coms have received citations.
  • A report of the SONS OF SATAN FLIGHT’s special meeting.
  • no WORDS A-WING pen pals listed
  • more items on offer in the SPARE PARTS HANGER.


  • There is talk of a uniforms, stationary and honorary members.
  • a page of Flight Insignias.
  • Citations and/or Promotions for 18 members and 11 non-commissioned officers
  • Charters have been mailed to all Flights
  • The FLIGHT PARADE lists 6 more flights.
  • A letter from the LUCKY SEVEN FLIGHT reports their Meeting Routine.
  • more WORDS A-WING pen pals listed
  • more items on offer in the SPARE PARTS HANGER.


  • The FLIGHT PARADE lists 6 more flights and updates the BATTLE ACES FLIGHT OF San Francisco.
  • FLIGHT NEWS updates the latest with 8 flights and provides a letter from the MYSTERY FLIGHT.
  • Citations and/or Promotions for 11 members
  • more WORDS A-WING pen pals listed
  • more items on offer in the SPARE PARTS HANGER.


  • Six new flights are listed and updates on 4 previously announced flights.
  • Citations and/or Promotions for 28 members and 7 non-coms.
  • A report by Dorothy Kohn on a visit to Davenport Airport, Cram Field, Iowa.
  • Bouse Resolution No. 7413
  • more WORDS A-WING pen pals listed
  • more items on offer in the SPARE PARTS HANGER.


WITH the March Issue, WAR BIRDS changes it’s name to TERENCE X. O’LEARY’S WAR BIRDS and it’s focus. The lead story will now feature the exploits of Arthur Guy Empey’s Terence X. O’Leary, but the stories are more science-fictiony that O’Leary’s previous exploits in the magazine which were set in WWI. THE COCKPIT column continues with all it’s previous sections. And the coupon to join is still included. The Booklets can still be obtained for 5¢ and the wings are a bargain at 15¢.

MARCH 1935

  • Title change due to popular demand of the readers.
  • Actual Vickers machine guns on offer (rendered inoperable)
  • Citations for 9 2nd Lt’s and 11 Corporals
  • more items on offer in the SPARE PARTS HANGER.

APRIL 1935

  • It is possible to become a Major. Two have so far. Majors can recommend three men a year for promotion.
  • Still publishing coupons to join club. The wings and booklets still on offer.
  • someone wrote to another magazine for the answers to the exam questions.
  • strange but true aviation facts
  • The FLIGHT PARADE lists 6 more flights and 10 non-com flight.
  • Updates on three flights—LUCKY SEVEN FLIGHT, W.E. BARRETT AND GRIN FLIGHT, and COBRA PATROL Flight.
  • many Citations and Promotions
  • more WORDS A-WING pen pals listed
  • more items on offer in the SPARE PARTS HANGER.

JUNE 1935

  • For the first time, non-coms outnumber commissioned officers.
  • One member wants to start Zeppelin Division of the War Birds. And another is into rocket propulsion.
  • There is no coupon to join the club as an officer or non-com in this issue.
  • Numerous Citations and Promotions listed.
  • more WORDS A-WING pen pals listed

The WAR BIRDS CLUB does not continue when the magazine returns to being called WAR BIRDS again in October.